All Good Things Must Come to an End

A: "Hey can you sign my yearbook?"
B: "Yeah, for sure! (do we normally talk...) Sign mine too!"
It's been great having you
in my English class this year!

The Memoirs of the Orange Skinned

My hobby, my fascination, my addiction
Whatever you want to call it
It has become a big part of my life.

I’ve tried it all from tanning beds, to mystic tans, to lotions, to ‘tan in a can’ to towelettes.
And luckily for you I’m here to educate you on the dos and don’ts of tanning. What works and what doesn’t.

Until recently most people were oblivious to my secret hobby as I was smart and tested it only on my legs. WHICH I recommend everyone does. However, even I have had those unfortunate days when I had to go toSCHOOL and WORK orange and blotchy.

Tanning Beds.
For me I’ve been in them once- Didn’t work for me because I’m ‘fair skinned’ so I just burnt and came out red. Plus final destination 3- the tanning scene has turned me off from tanning beds. However, if you want that golden brown REAL tan- tanning beds are the way to go. If I had the time and money I could even have a ‘real tan’. Just for us lighter skin people we need to build up gradually. It’s a process TANNING->BURN(fades into brown)-> TANNING repeat. If you do this enough soon your skin can handle the beds perfectly. A price for a tanning bed is anywhere from seven-ten dollars. But be prepared to buy the goggles and lotion an extra two-five dollars. Or if you’re a true addict ‘Tanning Passes’ fifty-seventy bucks unlimited tanning for a month.

Spray Tans- or Mystic Tans
I used to love them until one unfortunate day
I came out ORANGE and BLOTCHY and my hands looked terrible.
Now I’ve stopped the mystic tans and for good reason.
A friend of mine continued going and now looks- well
Not the greatest.
Mystic tanning thirty dollars.

DO NOT- DO NOT use them. The color you’ll get from them is terrible. Trust the knowledgeable. I never actually bought one- BUT- I did go to Shoppers and test them ALL on my leg. I looked like a zebra and not one of the shades were nice. I either looked VERY orange or like a I was BRUISED. Either way not something you want- Plus this aerosol cans you cant tell if your doing it evenly and they don’t come cheep, anywhere from 15 dollars upwards.

My favorites.
LOTION & Towelettes.
Some lotions don’t work- I won’t lie they often come out uneven and orange. I recommend Jergens moisturizer with colored tint. This lotion is a gradual build up so you can choose how dark you want to go. Plus its cheep, ten dollars or so. My new love affair is with tanning towelettes. I saw them on the shopping channel and didn’t order them. Then a knock off ‘life brand’ version came out so I got them. Once again they are a gradual build up so you control how dark you become. Plus when using the towelettes your tan is EVEN, which is very important when trying to make your tan look REAL.

Research the products.
WASH YOUR HANDS (regardless of what product you use)
Wait for the tan to sink in before you apply more. MOST tanning products take 3-7 hours to sink in fully.

Become a blotchy freak.

Shut Up and EAT

The modern birthday party equals a fun filled day consisting of Mandarin and the movies.
For anyone in my graduating class you know what I mean- we do it for every single birthday party. So when some brave soul brakes out of the ‘normal’ and says
“My birthday will be at Jack Astor’s”
We all cheer with joy and are excited.

I’ve been there before and have good experiences.
Meaning I was very excited to go again.
I even booked the day off of work.
Which is not like me.
Money is my BFF (Best friend FOREVER)

From my previous memories I remember fantastic food, a great environment, Christmas lights, comics and photos on the wall- very unique and what I remembered and was anticipating the most was the paper on table with the crayons to color with. Call me seven years old but when your bored waiting for food- coloring is a GREAT and I mean GREAT solution.

Back story- truly irrelevant but I feel the need to bring it up just to show how much I liked the restaurant before this interesting service. As I said before I missed work for it AND I wasn’t even talking to one half of the birthday girls definitely meaning I was there for the FOOD.

So we get there and PROBLEM-
“Your reservation is for 25 you need at least 75% to get the table.”
Oh great- we weren’t going to get our table.
Luckily enough of us ended up showing up.

I was all syked ready to color away and the walk us into the
More like the summer patio with the garage roof closed. We were in the MIDDLE of the parking lot. We could clearly see the cars. Let me remind you it was nighttime and not summer. So we were freezing and they wouldn’t turn on the heat. I got over that cause I can be ‘MATURE’. HOWEVER, the tables OUTSIDE were not covered in paper and I did not see crayons. Way to ruin my night JACK ASTORS!

THEN the waitress spilled a drink on someone.
Nice going IDIOT.
It wasn’t me- if it was it would have been a scene
Or, AT LEAST free food.

Plus the service started out VERY RUDE. We asked if we could move tables they ignored us. We asked for our drinks we waited an HOUR. But what can you do- It’s life.

Anywho we ordered and eventually the food came.
It was good I can’t lie.
Steak and potatoes

So the bill comes and once again they screw up charging people for things they did not order. Sheesh, people now a days can’t take simple orders and its there job too.
What is the restaurant world coming to?

Jack Astor’s Rating:
If you’re in the VIP PARY AREA-
& I’m not one to let one bad service permanently stop me from going there.
So I’ll most likely go again.

Overall rating on Jack Astor’s 8 Flip Flops out of 10
Overall rating on that one night 10 blotchy fake tans out 10
(PS that isn’t good )

Le Prom

Its; something unpredictable and in the end its right
I hope you had the time of your life.

Prom. The chaos, the drama, the planning, the arguments, the shopping, the arrangements and now it is all done.

May 30- Prom Night.
A night full of memories.

First of all the weather was less then perfect- well that’s being nice- pouring rain is more accurate. The rain may have limited our outside picture taking but it didn’t dampen our spirits.

The hall had a very nice appearance- the dance floor could have been bigger. The food was…different. The most liberal way I could approach the topic of food. The meal consisted of hard bread that we heated on candles, dressingless salad and chicken, the potatoes very good- I cant be the ‘evil critic’ all the time. Enough on food, I know I’m making my readers hungry now. Wait a minute- while on the topic of food, the cake was nasty and we never got any of that birthday cake. Hmmmm. Where did it all go?

The clothes-
It’s always fun to see your friends dressed up and it was from. Obviously people were looking very sharp. Everyone’s hard work showed, as everyone looked stunning. Correction- the majority looked stunning. There were a few that were definitely on the ‘worst dressed list’. Unlike Perez Hilton I wont name-drop our post pictures with my comments on the outfits. Lets just say a few got dressed in the dark or got into a fight with a sewing machine and the machine won.

La musique. ‘Francais’ moment there. Parlez tu francais?
Okay I’ll stop for those whose French understanding ends after grade nine.
The music was from a wide variety of genres. Good job Dj. However, how do you honestly dance to Gym Class Hero’s –Girlfriend?
Take a look at my girlfriends, she’s the only one a I got.
Yeah can’t dance to that, trust me we tried and ended up just singing.
There wasn’t enough danceable songs to be honest.THEN the DJ went all old school with some
JUMP ON IT! (Fresh Prince dance)
Cant lie it was fun- but NOT NEEDED.
The last two songs, very sad people were crying
And c’mon class of ’08 we are to cute dancing in one massive circle.

Prom equals = mediocre food, enough pictures to freeze a computer, dancing galore, and memories with friends that will last for a life time.

And no- I’m not exaggerating with the pictures, by the end of the night the we were immune to the flash.

After prom, McDonalds, and house parties. What happens at the house parties stays at the after parties.
Don’t you wanna’ know what happened now?
Well, just for you

The ultimate final dance song at Prom
Vitamin C- Graduation/Friends Forever

Honestly, listeing to this song makes me sad.
Only if real life were like songs.
Truth is next year, I’ll be friends with five people from highschool